Motion Marketing & Media
Motion Marketing & Media
614 Seymour Avenue
Lansing, Michigan 48933
Phone: (517) 203-3333
Fax: (517) 203-3334

Our Company

When you drive by the offices of Motion Marketing & Media today, in all of it’s majestic beauty, it’s hard to imagine it being anywhere else. But let us assure you, we weren’t always at 614 Seymour. No, absolutely not. If you can imagine, the early days of M3 were nothing more than a two-woman team nestled into a mere partitioned space of an office on Michigan Avenue next to the City Rescue Mission.

In 2002, Tiffany Dowling knew she would leave state government. She thought her path would move her to Ann Arbor or to some large company’s communications office. However, it’s always those crazy things you’d never dream of doing that end up becoming a reality. After a string of serendipitous conversations all boiling down to one idea, “Tiffany, you should start a marketing firm,” she took the plunge. Dowling and her partner moved into the back of an office space and set up shop for the birth of M3.

It was a modest beginning, but the business began to grow in a hurry. Suffice to say the little back corner on Michigan Avenue wasn’t enough for Dowling’s expanding dreams. So she toted her budding biz over to East Lansing for an upgrade. The offices there lasted only a few years: after a boom in client acquisition, a handful of new employees and nothing but prosperity on the horizon, Dowling knew the bland brick building in East Lansing just wouldn’t do.

Not before long, Dowling found her team making their third and final (for now) move to the towering house on Seymour. It seemed like an enormous building for only a few employees (frankly it was, each one had their own floor). But with plenty of room for growth, it only left Dowling with one option: grow.

So she did. Since the move to 614 Seymour in December 2006, it’s been nothing but client acquisition, employee growth, increased revenue, high-fives and award-winning creative ideas. Not too shabby for a gal who never thought she’d start her own business, huh?
But don’t think we’re stopping here. The sky’s the limit for this team, there’s just one question: where will our next move take us? Stay tuned to find out … .

Copyright 2009 Motion Marketing & Media
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