MJ Media, LLC
MJ Media
1064 W Hampton Rd
Essexville, MI 48732
Phone: (989) 509‑1165
Email: hi@mjmediateam.com
About Us
GenÂeral InforÂmaÂtion & History
MJ Media, LLC is an inforÂmaÂtion techÂnolÂogy comÂpany located in Bay City, MichiÂgan. Our comÂpany was founded in 2004 by Michael Weiss and Joshua TayÂlor. Michael and Joshua teamed up to parÂtake in the BusiÂness ProÂfesÂsionÂals of AmerÂica High School E-Commerce WebÂsite ComÂpeÂtiÂtion durÂing their final year in high school. Upon winÂning an impresÂsive secÂond place, the highly-motivated duo was driÂven to perÂsue a future in inforÂmaÂtion techÂnolÂogy. DurÂing their first year of busiÂness, they manÂaged to jugÂgle entreÂpreÂneurÂship, school, and day jobs.
Our ComÂpany Today
MJ Media, LLC curÂrently has a list of impresÂsive clients includÂing renowned graphic design firm 989 Design, Looks UnlimÂited Hair Salon, and the annual Munger Potato FesÂtiÂval. We couldn’t be prouder of where our comÂpany stands today and we hope to conÂtinue servÂing orgaÂniÂzaÂtions and indiÂvidÂuÂals with our perÂsonÂalÂized services.
Our OutÂlook and Goals
Our priÂmary misÂsion at MJ Media, LLC is to deliver qualÂity inforÂmaÂtion techÂnolÂogy soluÂtions that are suited to your needs. Our comÂpany was founded upon the disÂcovÂery of a few probÂlems and an opporÂtuÂnity. We idenÂtiÂfied that many indiÂvidÂuÂals and orgaÂniÂzaÂtions aren’t aware of the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties that exist with today’s techÂnolÂogy. There are an unlimÂited numÂber of these that could potenÂtially benÂeÂfit them. In addiÂtion, a growÂing numÂber of indiÂvidÂuÂals and orgaÂniÂzaÂtions seemed to strugÂgle to find reliÂable, effecÂtive, and qualÂity serÂvices in the field of inforÂmaÂtion techÂnolÂogy. In light of these probÂlems, our comÂpany was creÂated to try to bridge the gap between qualÂity serÂvices and users who rely on them.
Our comÂpany strives to assure there is minÂiÂmal stress on the client’s part from day one. We’re the experts on inforÂmaÂtion techÂnolÂogy; why should you have to worry? We look forÂward to develÂopÂing long-term relaÂtionÂships with our clients in which the client can freely conÂtact us with quesÂtions, conÂcerns, or comÂments. There is nothÂing more satÂisÂfyÂing for our comÂpany than seeÂing our client’s benÂeÂfit from our prodÂucts and services.
© 2009 - MJ Media, LLC