Siege Marketing
Siege Marketing
3400 Michigan Ave Ste P12
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Phone: (313) 617-3553

Your competition has claimed YOUR market share, and they are enjoying it's fruits. What's worse is that they have fortified their position and plan on staying. It's time for a SIEGE.

Siege offers SEO and Marketing expertise backed up by a team of experienced web professionals who can equip you to seize your share of the market. In an age where people turn to search engines instead of phone books it is essential that your company is well positioned. Securing top rankings (and knocking your competitors off of them) will determine who grows and who perishes in this new age of business.

Search Marketing Services
Search marketing is a rapidly changing industry, to rapidly for the less nimble advertising agencies and traditional marketing firms. Siege stays on top of the most recent events in online marketing. That means keeping up to date on the SEO weapons such as link campaigns, social marketing (web 2.0) and the latest news about changes to search engine algorithms. Siege specialists know which weapons to employ for the best and quickest results.

With the soaring costs and increasing ineffectiveness of traditional advertising now is the time to give your company an unfair advantage.

The good news is that it is early in the game and the launch of a successful strategy right now can secure top positioning and guarantee your success in the future. Siege marketing delivers your success through increased sales leads, new customer acquisition, increased sales, and market positioning through branding.

Search Engine Optimization Strategies
Different clients can benefit from different SEO strategies, and what may work well for one may not work at all for another. Siege Marketing tailors each SEO siege to maximize the benefits of each of the SEO weapons for our clients.

Page Optimization:
On page optimization is one of the fundamental tasks accomplished by search engine marketing firms. Without proper optimization any online marketing effort will prove to be severely hampered. Siege SEO stays up to date on what the major search engines are looking for on a page in order to achieve the highest rankings for our clients. Approximately 30% of our efforts will be applied to page optimization.

Key Word Targeting:
This is another critical area that shouldn't be overlooked. Focusing on the wrong keywords can be worse then just missing opportunities, it can be disastrous. Siege SEO doesn't guess, we analyze our clients keywords and each words competition to maximize your returns. Siege marketing analyzes three main factors, relevance, search frequency and competition. Keyword research will determine the direction of your SEO siege.

Link Campaigns:
This is the main assault for an on-line marketing Champaign. The major search engines consider the number and quality of links as votes for your site. This is a major factor in determining your sites ranking. When linking campaigns are done correctly they can gain amazing advantages for your company. However, this is not something you want to have done cheaply, as an inferior linking campaign can actually hurt your ranking.

Articles and Press Releases:
Writing articles and press releases is a great way to get your name (and beneficial links to your site) out in cyberspace. Siege Marketing has had great success in this area.

Social Media Marketing (Web 2.0):
Social Media Marketing uses social book marking sites (or web 2.0) to promote your website. Web 2.0 sites users recommend sites to other users, rate web pages and form communities online. Social Media Marketing uses these communities to get the word out about your company and its products.

Viral Marketing:
This is not a marketing plan for the risk adverse, due to the difficulty of getting marketing to "go viral,” however the rewards can be huge. Viral marketing attempts to create a buzz around something unique, such as an entertaining video. The item then takes on a life of its own, or becomes viral, and is spread around the internet generating free publicity. Viral marketing needs to be done with a unique approach and is only worth the effort if a truly good idea used.
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